Liposuction – Laguna Niguel

Are you looking for a Liposuction / Liposculpture in the Laguna Niguel Area?

What is Liposuction / Liposculpture?

Liposculpture is the art of sculpting your body to the shape you want through strategically planned liposuction. Liposuction is the # 1 most effective method of reducing and safely dealing with stubborn fat deposits that are genetically inherited and engineered into your DNA.

With years of experience using and developing new, cutting edge body enhancement techniques through plastic surgery, lipo, anti-aging rejuvenation techniques, Dr. Nikolas & Paul Chugay have both the medical experience and the artistic instincts required to help you guide your body into the perfect design that was meant for you.

*Individual results will vary. Images do not constitute a promise or representation of any particular outcome or experience.

What Can You Do to Improve Nature’s Design and Get the Body Shape You Want?

It is human nature to want to improve on everything. We all want to make things faster, better and more appealing. DaVinci created the Mona Lisa; and Michelangelo sculpted the statue “David” and you work hard to sculpt your body into the best version of yourself that you can achieve. Eventually though, everyone reaches a point where they just need a little bit of extra help.

Two generations of significant, talented artists, the father/son team of Dr Nikolas V. Chugay and Dr. Paul N. Chugay can provide that little extra help with sculpting your body to your ideal design through liposuction, or more accurately, liposculpture.

Safely Reduce Fat in Those Problem Areas

Do you have a problem reducing love handles around your hips and tummy or saddlebags on your thighs?

Did you know that some areas of your body will be virtually impossible to completely take out fatty deposits; no matter how hard you exercise, diet and run yourself ragged fighting the inevitable bulges that come from your natural body shape? For some people it’s their thighs. For others it’s the chin and neck area, or hips and back. Each person has a unique challenge area that just won’t go away.

You’ve worked hard to get fit, strong and beautiful but there are some frustrating areas that just won’t co-operate!

Is Financing Available?

Yes! Medical Financing is available on approved credit. We accept financing from For more information about our Financing options

What To Do When You Want REAL Results From Your Lipo Procedure

The first step is to make sure that you find the right cosmetic surgeon. No matter what procedure you’re having done – whether liposuction to reduce fat or a fat transfer to give you a bigger, rounder bottom, it is important that you and your surgeon share the same vision.

Things to Look for In your Surgeon:

  • Experience: With 2 generations of doctors, over 30,000 procedures and a lifetimes worth of combined experience, Dr. Nikolas V. Chugay and Dr. Paul N. Chugay have not only the required experience in various surgical and non surgical procedures but Nikolas has helped revolutionize the industry, and Paul is following very closely in his father’s footsteps, drawing on over 40 years of experience.
  • Compatibility & Respect: Book a consultation with the doctor. Get a feel for how they treat you; whether they listen to you and what you want. It’s important to thoroughly discuss what you’re trying to achieve with your doctor so they have a clear, concise idea of what your goal is but it’s equally important that you respect your doctor’s experience and education enough to listen to their recommendations. You don’t want a doctor that doesn’t care about YOU.
  • Specialization: Ask your doctor about other times they’ve performed the procedure you want.

How does Lipo Work? What Is The Process?

Liposuction is a procedure that was introduced in the U.S. in the early 1980s, and is essentially taking a thin, hollow, needle-like vacuum tube, called a cannula, and carefully making a small incision near the targeted deposit of fat. The cannula is then inserted under the skin (subcutaneously) and used to break apart, then suction out (or aspirate) the fat. This can be done repeatedly on multiple target areas of the body anywhere there may be excess fat, from your buttocks, thighs, tummy to your neck, chin and face.

Once liposculpture has been performed, as long as you continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle, your post-operative results will be maintained (even if you mess up once in a while), making liposculpting the #1 most effective method of fat reduction!

The procedure is also called liposculpture, lipoplasty, or suction lipectomy and has become known simply as “lipo”. Over the decades, the understanding of the human body and individual genetics has substantially improved, as have the tools and methods available.

The improvements in the cosmetic surgery industry and liposculpting techniques means that your procedure can often be safely completed in as little as 1-2 hours on an out-patient basis, scarring is virtually invisible due to the minimally invasive nature of the procedure and placement of the incisions, and you and your cosmetic surgeon can focus on designing an artistic, unique and aesthetically pleasing result that fits your body’s genetic design.


Liposuction Procedure

After your Surgery

You will notice significant bruising and swelling post-operatively. You will be given special garments to wear post-operatively to apply pressure to the affected areas and minimize swelling while providing support during healing. The results of the surgery will be recognizable soon after surgery, but it will take several weeks for the full effect of the surgery to be noticeable.



*Individual results will vary. Images do not constitute a promise or representation of any particular outcome or experience.

Ready to improve the appearance of your body?

Call us now for a complimentary consultation and evaluation.