Crows Feet Reduction Surgery
Visible as a complex of spiky wrinkles radiating from the corner of the eye, Crow’s-feet represent a common and unpleasant sign of aging. The giant industry of cosmetics and beauty products regurgitates assorted renditions of the same old promise of “young-looking skin,” “radiant skin tone,” etc. However, to date, alpha, beta and other hydroxy acids, combined with any form of Retin A or Retinol have been unable to even reduce Crow’s-feet.
Medical solutions to Crow’s-feet include the much-celebrated Botox, collagen injections, silicone drop injections, chemical peels and laser resurfacing.
However, none of these techniques is as definitive at reducing Crow’s Feet with Dr. Chugay’s Crow’s Feet Reduction Surgery.
What causes crow’s-feet
The reason Crow’s-feet form is due to collagen and elastic fiber changes caused by smiling. Smiling tightens the orbital muscle, which shortens the length of the muscle relative to the skin. With time, small wrinkles form, eventually growing to deep lines. In a young person Crow’s-feet are visible only during smiling; age solidifies them into prominent wrinkles.
Old Solutions to Reducing Crow’s-Feet
Most traditional solutions to Crow’s-feet are not lasting. Since the majority of them involve tightening of the skin around the eyes, they only represent a temporary fix. The powerful orbital muscle will form new Crow’s-feet in short order.
Is Financing Available?
Yes! Medical Financing is available on approved credit. We accept financing from and For more information about our Financing options
Laser Skin Resurfacing
Although successful in making facial skin look younger, lasers are quite dangerous and unpredictable. The most effective CO2 laser has been known to cause changes in skin coloration or even scarring, especially on the tender skin around the eyes, where the laser is often applied very aggressively to reduce deep lines. Erbium Yag Laser, although safer, is also less effective in rejuvenating the skin.
And yet, laser skin resurfacing is undoubtedly a revolutionary method of rejuvenating facial skin — except for one little stubborn area — Crow’s-feet, where laser therapy is largely ineffective. Laser, when applied aggressively, will help reduce superficial wrinkles around the eyes; however, new lines will appear very quickly; sometimes in a matter of months.
Things to Look for In your Surgeon:
- Experience: With 2 generations of doctors, over 30,000 procedures and a lifetimes worth of combined experience, Dr. Nikolas V. Chugay and Dr. Paul N. Chugay have not only the required experience in various surgical and non surgical procedures but Nikolas has helped revolutionize the industry, and Paul is following very closely in his father’s footsteps, drawing on over 40 years of experience.
- Compatibility & Respect: Book a consultation with the doctor. Get a feel for how they treat you; whether they listen to you and what you want. It’s important to thoroughly discuss what you’re trying to achieve with your doctor so they have a clear, concise idea of what your goal is but it’s equally important that you respect your doctor’s experience and education enough to listen to their recommendations. You don’t want a doctor that doesn’t care about YOU.
- Specialization: Ask your doctor about other times they’ve performed the procedure you want.
Chemical Peels
Peels are just like laser therapy — very effective on the facial skin in general, yet useless when it comes to Crow’s-feet reduction.
Silicone Injections
Unfortunately, injecting silicone around the eye area does not yield a natural look and may even leave an unpleasant discoloration at the injection site.
Collagen Injections
The problem with collagen is that it rapidly absorbs. By the time one heals; the collagen is gone, and the wrinkles are back. Furthermore, the wrinkles remain; they are just slightly masked, just like in the case of silicone. This is not a lasting solution.
Extended Blepharoplasty
This variation of Blepharoplasty (skin tightening around the eye) involves extending the incision beyond the rim of the eye into the temple area. This allows the surgeon to reduce excess skin in the temple area – where the Crow’s-feet are found. Unfortunately, this technique will not reduce orbital muscle tension. Furthermore, the extended incision will leave a visible scar in the temple area, which is entirely undesirable.
To date, Botox has been a singularly effective treatment for Crow’s-feet. Its success is due to the fact that it attacks the cause of Crow’s-feet (orbital muscle tension) by temporarily paralyzing the orbital muscle.
BOTOX has two distinct disadvantages. First, the treatment will produce only temporary improvement. For up to 6 months, BOTOX (Botulinum Toxin A — a neurotoxin) will slacken the orbital muscle. As the effects of the neurotoxin wear off, the muscle will come alive and start vigorously producing new wrinkles.
The second disadvantage stems from the fact that BOTOX is not universally effective. On some patients muscle slackening is significant. Yet, on many, it is barely noticeable.
Ineffectiveness of old Methods
Crow’s-feet, perhaps the earliest manifestations of facial aging, have proven to be quite unresponsive to current interventions. The reason for the dismal long-term results of such surgical intervention relates to the facts that efforts have been directed to the effect (wrinkles) rather than to the cause (muscular stress around the eye). BOTOX – the only cause-based treatment — is temporary and frequently ineffective.
Precursors of Dr. Chugay’s Methodology
Some surgeons have attempted to reduce the orbital muscle altogether causing ugly deformities and the inability to smile. Some have tried to lengthen the muscle by incising it. However, stubbornly, the muscle would re-contract, causing even deeper Crow’s-feet.
Dr. Chugay’s Solutions
With a stroke of a genius, Dr. Chugay found a simple and yet, brilliant solution. After studying the various muscle segments which cause skin tightening around the eye, Dr. Chugay has discovered that by reducing certain, carefully measured, segments of the orbicularis muscle, a longer lasting reduction of Crow’s-feet can be achieved.
It is considerably more effective than Botox because it does not paralyze the whole Orbicularis muscle; it has the effect of restoring the muscle to its youthful state of being, thus reducing the source of Crow’s-feet wrinkles.
Dr. Chugay has performed many such procedures, all with remarkable effectiveness. Perhaps, he has found a fountain of youth? Short of genetic manipulation and turning back the clock of aging, Dr. Chugay’s methodology is the most effective solution to achieving a youthful-looking face.
After your crow’s-feet reduction procedure
After this procedure, some of the old wrinkles caused by muscle shortening may remain visible. This is more likely to happen to an older patient with deeply etched lines. After all, this technique does not resurface your skin; it relaxes the muscle underneath.
This is the time to do skin resurfacing. Whereas resurfacing is useless unaided, it will do wonders when it follows Dr. Chugay’s Crow’s-feet procedure as it reduces the last vestiges of the old Crow’s feet: superficial lines and wrinkles.
What else could be done?
The revolutionary Crow’s-feet operation is particularly advantageous when complemented by other procedures geared toward reducing wrinkles. These procedures include Facelift, Endoscopic or Coronal Forehead Lift, Brow Lift, Blepharoplasty or Skin Resurfacing.